Publisher & responsible for content:
Dagmar Schön
Schöne Stadtführungen
Sebastiansplatz 3, 80331 München
mail: service‘at’
phone: +49 (0)89/97 60 36 55
fax: +49 (0)89/28806688
UStIDNr: DE 179139006
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The publisher has compiled and checked all the information very carefully and thoroughly. However, it accepts no liability for the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality and constant availability of the information. There is no liability for any damage incurred through calling up or downloading data – as a result of computer viruses – or through installing or using software. According to the relevant laws, the publisher is only responsible for its “own contents” on the website.
These own contents must be distinguished from links to the websites of other providers. A link gives the publisher access to contents provided by others.
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When the links to these other Internet sites were set up, however, the editorial office of the publisher examined them with respect to any liability it might incur under civil or criminal law. As soon as the publisher however establishes or is informed that it incurs responsibility under civil or criminal law for a particular site to which it has prepared a link, the reference to this site is immediately removed, insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable.
The provider of the linked site is solely responsible for illegal, erroneous or incomplete contents and in particular for any damage incurred from the utilization or non-utilization of information on the site concerned.
Logo and Flyerdesign: Tania Hanselmann
Purpose of this website:
Information and contact/booking of guided tours in Munich
Permission is required for copying and using such pages (or parts thereof) in other electronic or printed publications and for publishing them (also on the Internet).
Data Protection:
The stored data are used exclusively for technical or statistical purposes; no comparison is made with other existing data and neither the information nor extracts from it are passed to third parties. You can always require the deletion of you data. Please mail to: Dagmar Schön, service‘at’